Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Tales of Interest

I promised myself that I would only do a post when I had something interesting to talk about, as if Santa-rants and speeding tickets are interesting. Well, this post is going to show the world, or the portion of it that reads my page, my ability to keep a promise, even to myself.
Almost ready for the holiday. Couple things left to get and I'm set. The hard part is finding something for my grandmother. She's flying in from Wisconsin to spend the holiday with us. Gotta get a couple things for friends, but it's the granny that's stressing me out. She's my last remaining G-parent, so I want it to be memorable.
Oh yea, and my brother's unstable ex is going to be there. I'm gonna need and extra cup of egg-nog for that. Making her a gift though, that's the kinda sappy shmuck I am. I will be pleasant and polite all night. I will be pleasant and polite all night.


the crunchy one said...

here's the deal, you need to steal her eggnog so she can't get drunk. You will also need to hide all animals in the house so she doesn't feel the need to "rescue" them. then you need to make sure no other females between the ages of 18 and 35 are present so she doesn't feel "threatened". once that's accomplished... Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and make sure that the eggnog you're drinking is "the good stuff", and make sure no one is eating meat, cause that's extra specially cruel to animals! -BG

Unknown said...

She IS a vegetarian.

Anonymous said...

am i the only one curious as to why the fuck she is going to be there--oh and laird, i would like you to post the story of that break up--i never heard it but i am sure it has to be good. gossip