Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Divine Comedy

Surfin around at work today I found a pretty cool site. Cheesy Jesus has alot of off the wall products depicting Haysoos, and christianity in general, in very humorous way including a " He is King" Christmas card with Him and Elvis. Good stuff. If you laugh, then I guess I'll see you in hell. Gonna be rough for you, too, since I got dibs on the top bunk.


the crunchy one said...

I love the cheesy Jesus stuff. The 17" fuzzy Jesus bank is a must have this Christmas. (Oh, I'm so going to Hell... I'm glad you'll be there to make me laugh for eternity)

Anonymous said...

For giggles....go to Google, and look up "Jesus grilled cheese". I spent several hours of "not work" laughing at that! -BG