Friday, December 10, 2004

Deep in the Hill Country

My roommate Betsy and I have come to an agreement. We do live in the mountains, though quite not as far in as the title of this post suggests. It is, however, far enough in to allow a mild sense of seclusion. We do feel removed enough from the claustrphobic city environ that we can be fairly uninhibited without fear of alarming any neighbors. We are, in a sense, becoming a little bit like hill billies.
We have kept quite a few of our more civilized luxuries. Betsy is still a lover of fine wines, cheeses, and the internet. I, on the other hand, am still enjoying a bit of the night life. We are, therefore, much too refined to be hill billies. We've agreed a much more appropriate term would be Mountain William. Pretty much a hill billy, but a little more sophisticated.

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