Monday, January 03, 2005


Howdy folks! I am feelin pretty groovy this morning and I don't know why. The nicotine withdrawal is lightening up I guess, maybe. Hard to tell until its one of those moments when it's easy to tell. You know, I never want a smoke again until I narrowly escape death or something. The weekend had a little more blah in it than I was hoping for. Spent the whole time working pretty much, but so what. Saw good friends during and after that time working, and we had a good time comparing war stories. (Amanda and Bob are also quitting cigs)
Mondays usually intimidate me. They also tend to set the mood for the whole week. It's too early to tell for sure, but this has been a good one so far. I woke up on time, bright eyed and bushy tailed, went to the DMV for lisence plates and was the only customer there, (felt like I was in the freakin twilight zone) and still had time for breakfast. Woo hoo! Let's hear it for not going hungry! And it wasn't a hot dog or anything.
Yup, I think I will make it through today, and will even be able to appear interested when people tell me about the Broncos. Ah yes, I'll say, They are quite the sporting club, aren't they. Many wickets under their shortstops...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wittershams, you forgot wittershams! -BG