Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Day 5

I didn't think I would make it this far. I was thinking I would probably go a couple days and then give in. To cigarettes I mean. My friends are probably sick of hearing about, but this is kind of a big deal to me, so they'll have to deal. This has definatly been the most trying day of withdrawal so far. I don't know why, but I'm sure my co-workers have something to do with it. Had a manager breathing down my neck all morning, too. Fun stuff. Not just any manager either, this guy is like 3 managers down the revenue chain from the governor himself. Cripes! Curbed the urge with some fruit snacks. Those do ok, not quite a cigarette but tasty.
So I've beaten the demon back for another hour or two. I fear it will rise again, but I'll be ready. Ready enough I hope. Gah! I wanna kick things! It's ok, just chill there Laird.
But, kicking things would help...
Only for a while. Don't wanna swap smoke addiction for breaking stuff addiction.
But fruit snack addiction is ok?
For now. Not really destructive. We'll find something to ween you off those when the need arises. Whiskey, perhaps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep it up dude. It'll be worth it....and occasionally, things need to be kicked and broken anyway, regardless of whether it's a withdrawl sponsored urge or just the good old fashioned need to DESTROY! -BG